Mr. Mom
Today was my first day back to work since the surgery. It was nice to get up, get a shower and get back into a semi-normal routine. Michael's office was closed again so he stayed home and spent the morning with Finn.
At around 12:00 Michael and Finn came up to the office so that Michael could print a few things off. While he was working I fed Finn. Next Michael took Finn over to his Gran's house for a little while.
After work Samantha and her mom brought us a fabulous dinner of ham, baked apples, cheesy potatoes and chocolate mousse pie. We have eaten so well this entire week. Yesterday Monica, along with her mom and sister brought some lasagna, garlic bread and cookies. (I'm sorry that I forgot to take a picture Monica). I am truly blessed to have such a great Sunday School class!!!

After supper we did our normal bedtime routine - bath, cereal, nursing, etc. However, tonight Finn would not sit still in the bathtub. The entire time he was grabbing the side of the tub and trying to stand up. My little "tortilla chip head" is making me a nervous wreck.
Finn is also very close to crawling. He has learned to reach forward and get in a crawling position. Thank goodness his hind end is heavy enough to keep him from crashing forehead first into the hardwood. He hasn't quite got the hang of crawling, but I think that it will be very soon. Under normal circumstances I would be extremely excited. Not that I'm not excited, just a bit more apprehensive. Michael and I are seriously considering putting the mattress from the guest bedroom in the living room floor.

Finn is now on day three of his antibiotic. He likes the taste of the antibiotic so giving it to him hasn't been too challenging. He is less fond of his pain medication. Finn seemed to feel pretty good today so we didn't give him any pain medication at all. Babies are so much tougher than adults. It helps that we let him play with the syringe after he has taken all the medicine.

At around 12:00 Michael and Finn came up to the office so that Michael could print a few things off. While he was working I fed Finn. Next Michael took Finn over to his Gran's house for a little while.
After work Samantha and her mom brought us a fabulous dinner of ham, baked apples, cheesy potatoes and chocolate mousse pie. We have eaten so well this entire week. Yesterday Monica, along with her mom and sister brought some lasagna, garlic bread and cookies. (I'm sorry that I forgot to take a picture Monica). I am truly blessed to have such a great Sunday School class!!!
After supper we did our normal bedtime routine - bath, cereal, nursing, etc. However, tonight Finn would not sit still in the bathtub. The entire time he was grabbing the side of the tub and trying to stand up. My little "tortilla chip head" is making me a nervous wreck.
Finn is also very close to crawling. He has learned to reach forward and get in a crawling position. Thank goodness his hind end is heavy enough to keep him from crashing forehead first into the hardwood. He hasn't quite got the hang of crawling, but I think that it will be very soon. Under normal circumstances I would be extremely excited. Not that I'm not excited, just a bit more apprehensive. Michael and I are seriously considering putting the mattress from the guest bedroom in the living room floor.
Finn is now on day three of his antibiotic. He likes the taste of the antibiotic so giving it to him hasn't been too challenging. He is less fond of his pain medication. Finn seemed to feel pretty good today so we didn't give him any pain medication at all. Babies are so much tougher than adults. It helps that we let him play with the syringe after he has taken all the medicine.
Cooper had that onsie on the day of Finn's surgery. Great mom's shop alike!!