Bon Appetit
Today Finn behaved completely out of character - he took three naps and as a bonus I didn't even have to nurse him to sleep. The pain medicine is apparently making Finn very sleepy and really sweet. On three separate occasions Finn put his hands around my neck, laid his head on my shoulder and went to sleep. I have waited almost eight (8) months for Finn to do this, unfortunately Finn isn't suppose to lay on either the front or the side of his head - figures.
Finn woke up this morning in a great mood. He seemed to feel really good. We spent most of the morning playing with his toys. At lunch Chase and Lindsey came to visit and brought us lunch from Chili's. After lunch Michael went home to get some clean clothes and pick up a few things for Finn to play with. We didn't bring a lot of toys with us because the doctors told us he wouldn't feel like playing. Finn has played nonstop since opening his eyes.
While Michael was gone Finn and I sat and rocked and listened to the rain. Inclement weather alarms went off in the hospital so I turned on the news and saw that there were floods in Nashville. I started to worry that Michael wouldn't make it back to the hospital; fortunately, he did.
Finn is still not eating very well and we think we figured out why. Throughout the day we noticed that Finn was "straining". It wasn't constant, just every so often he would give a good strain followed by a little shake. Right around supper time we noticed that he was straining more often and with more vigor. He also started crying. I took his diaper off and saw the head end of Finn's first bowel movement since the surgery. Even though Finn was pushing with all the strength his little body could muster, he couldn't make anything happen. He was so miserable and crying so hard that I did the only thing I knew to do. I unwrapped a plastic fork, grabbed the thermometer and started digging and raking. Finn helped out too by pushing his little heart out. Every time he pushed really hard he would sprinkle on me. It took a while, but we worked it out. Finn was exhausted, in fact, you could say he was pooped. I took this picture about a minute cleaning him up. He didn't have the energy to even sit up. About five minutes later he was sound asleep.
I was just about to post this blog when the hospital sent out a storm alert. Right now I am little scared that we are going to have spend the night in the hallway. It is storming really bad and the hospital has alerted all the patients that the we under a yellow tornado advisory. The nurses said that if they call an orange advisory all the patients will need to be moved into the hallway.
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