Fort Finn

Today we woke up to the news that Nashville had flooded. Michael and I watched the whole thing happen from the 8th floor of Vanderbilt Children's Hospital. As it turns out the 8th floor was the best place to be considering that the hospital flooded. Finn braved the flood in his fort, Fort Finn, which is nothing more than a bunch of pillows stacked around the parameter of his crib. Nothing like giving a kid a false sense of security.

In addition to the hospital flooding we learned that there was a fire in the basement which caused the fire alarms to go off for an hour. Thank goodness the alarm wasn't too loud. To top it off it was really hot and muggy in the room because the air conditioner was shut off for almost 5 hours. I really can't complain about the air conditioning though, I think it was shut off to conserve energy so that the hospital could supply oxygen to the patients that needed it.

Michael and I, like everyone else living in Middle Tennessee, passed the time by watching the news. However, we got to noticing that a lot of time was spent talking about the flooding in Sumner county. The back of our yard floods when we have a big rain at home, so we were mildly concerned that we would return to standing water in our living room. Thankfully our good friend Brandon went to check on the house and reported that we were high and dry. I will definitely always remember where I was during the "great flood of 2010."

While we watched the news, Finn decided to go against the grain and get his news from the newspaper.
After spending several hours in a hot room, we decided to venture out in search of less stagnant air. We really didn't find any, but it was nice to put Finn in the stroller. He is getting increasing harder to handle. I think he is getting restless and he is certainly tired of his parents treating him like a china doll. We can't put him down at all now because he could fall over and either hit the front or the side of his head. Unfortunately for Finn he is in that stage where he is wanting to shift and move around. I think that our hovering is beginning to frustrate him. All I have to say to "get use to it Kiddo!"

Anyway, when we got downstairs I strolled Finn over to the statue of the Frog playing the Fiddle. This is my favorite thing in the hospital so I wanted Finn to see it.

This was his reaction. . .
Finn couldn't have cared less about that frog. He did, however, show a great interest in Michael's drink.
At around 5:00 Michael went home. He has to go to work tomorrow so he went home to get a good night sleep leaving Finn and I to have some one on one time. To be completely honest, it was a tough night. It took me forever to get Finn to go to sleep. We rocked, and danced, and strolled and ate and screamed for two and a half hours. I finally put him in bed around 10:30. I dread 12:00 when the nurses come into give him his antibiotic. I am tempted to put a sign on the door saying, "IF YOU WAKE IT, YOU ROCK IT." Did I mention that I am ready to go home?

I presume that Finn is doing great. The doctor didn't make it in this morning due to the weather, but he seems fine. This vital signs are stable and he isn't running a fever. His pain seems to be minimal and the stool softeners have helped to make him feel better. I think that we will be discharged tomorrow morning meaning that we will be home by tomorrow night, "Lord willing and the river don't rise."


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