Pet Smart.

Today was our first day back at church since the surgery. We couldn't leave Finn in the nursery so he came with me to Sunday School. Today turned out to be a good day to bring him because we had a teachers meeting and breakfast. As such, Finn couldn't be too distracting. He did start talking pretty loudly during announcements though.

After church we took Finn to the "zoo." Just kidding, we took him to Pet Smart. But to Finn, it was the zoo. He liked the fish the most; he put hands on the tanks and followed them with his fingers. He like the mice second best, because they moved a lot. He seemed to enjoy the chinchillas and the guinea pigs as well. The birds, were easily his least favorite.

When we got home Finn took a nice long nap and then played in the floor for hours. He was a really easy baby today.

During Finn's bath I attempted to loosen the glue on the steri-strips. Dr. Kelly told us that we were welcome to take the strips off this weekend, but that we would have to soften them first. To do this placed a wet wash cloth on Finn's head during his bath. Even with all the soaking I still couldn't get the strips off - looks we have a lot more soaking to do.

After his bath I brushed Finn's teeth. The first time I did it I braced myself for the fight of the century. However, Finn really enjoys getting his teeth brushed. I brush them one of those little plasticy toothbrushes that you put on the end of your finger. I think that the soft bristles feel good on his gums. I anticipate that the game will change will change when I start using toothpaste. For now I have it on good authority that toothpaste is not necessary at first.


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