Fried Crispy
We pulled weeds for about an hour before Finn started fussing. As I was taking him inside I noticed that his face and arms were red as a beet. I had just read MJ's blog before going outside and I thought that if I put enough sunscreen on him he would be fine. The minute I got him in the house I sat him under the fan and laid cool washcloths on his red arms and face. I felt sick. I couldn't believe that I was so careless.
After a few minutes I noticed that the red was starting to fade. Within 30 minutes the red was completely gone. I really don't know why he turned so red. My best guess is that he overheated causing his face and arms to turn red. I really don't know which is worse. Burning or overheating. Either way, he is no worse for the wear. I will just have to be more careful tomorrow.
After the burn scare had passed I gave Finn some carrots mixed in his oatmeal. Then the two of us when grocery shopping where I bought Finn all sorts of new baby food and a sippy cup. He did a really good job with the graduate puffs. I love going shopping with Finn. I use to dread going grocery shopping with every fiber of my being, but going with Finn makes it so much fun. He is always in a good, sweet mood because he really likes riding in the buggy. Several times during the trip people would walk up and talk to Finn which unfortunately caused him to panic and cling to me for dear life. He is still just a bit nervous.
When we got home Michael gave Finn a bath while I cleaned the kitchen. We then watched one of the most depressing movies I have ever seen (The Boys are Back). I instructed Michael to never let me pick another movie.
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