The "cord" (Friday, October 2, 2009

Today Michael left for the weekend to go to a bachelor party in Tunica. I haven't spent the night alone with Finn yet so I thought this would be a good opportunity to go home. I had planned on leaving my house at around 9:00 so of course I didn't actually get out of the house until 10:30. (I have quickly learned that when you have a new baby you have to give yourself an extra hour to do everything. ) I also got my first scare with Finn. He seemed to have a hard time breathing. It sounded like he was breathing through a wall of snot. I called the pediatrician I was informed that Finn probably just had milk backed up in his nose. I was a little relieved and a little tickled. However, since I am a bonafide worry wort I called my brother-in-law and asked him to bring home his stethoscope so he could listen to Finn's lungs (I was sure he had pneumonia). I was scared to death the entire trip home. I would sit a listen to him breathe and then I would cry. After a while I felt silly for crying so Finn and I decided to sing Bob Seger instead. No need to worry, Finn was fine.

Upon arriving in Coffee County, Finn and I went to visit Dad, Minnie and Gene. During this visit Finn spit up for the first time! It was a good one too - very similar to a projectile vomit. Next we went to Mom's house. When we got to Mom's Finn hung out in Nana's new swing and played with Coop while we grown ups ate pizza and cookies.

Later than evening while changing Finn's diaper I noticed that his umbilical cord (or the umbiblical cord as I have mistakenly been calling it for the past few days) looked awfully loose. It was still hanging on by a gross stringy thing so I decided to leave it alone. I then decided to show my family Finn's nipples because they are freakishly light in color. When I raised his sleeper up his cord fell off! MJ and I jumped backwards and screamed. I picked up the cord and stuck it in the diaper bag. I haven't decided what to do with it yet.

After we got over the shock of the cord I continued on with showing my family Finn's nipples. It was at this point I noticed that Finn has what looks strikingly similar to women's breasts. It really upset me so I called Michael. Michael assured me that Finn does not have breasts, but I am still going to show the pediatrician - poor Finn.


  1. We loved meeting Finn! Let us know when you're in town again.
    P.S. Babies are larger in the breast area during the first few months of their life (from all the extra hormones from birth/breastfeeding)--don't worry they'll look "normal" soon :)


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