Wednesday/Thursday (October 22, 2009)

The purpose of this blog was to document everything Finn does everyday. Well . . . some days Finn is rather boring. Wednesday and Today happened to be two of his more boring days so I decided to combine them.
Wednesday was the first day I was able to go back to Wednesday night church. Since Michael played basketball, Finn spent some time with Gran.
Today Finn woke up around 5:45 so I decided to go ahead and stay up and workout. During the day Finn and I went shopping and then went to Tonya's house for lunch. Later that night we went to bible study. Afterwards Michael decided to put Kodiak in Finn's swing and turned the swing on has fast it would go. We both thought that Kodiak would freak out and jump out of the swing immediately. To our surprise Kodiak really liked the swing. I think that Finn has some competition.
This is a really boring post.
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