Finn's Three Week appointment (Thursday, October 8, 2009)

Today Finn went for his three week check up. At this check up he weighed 8 pounds, 12 oz and was 20 and 3/4 inches long. I guess all that eating has paid off. I also learned that Finn does not not have man boobs. The pediatrician explained that his breasts are swollen because of all of the estrogen that he is absorbing through the milk. She said that this will go down in a few weeks.

After the appointment, Dad and Gina came up to visit. During their visit I was able to run some errands. I was also able to cook for our bible study/dinner. I also discovered that Finn considers me his personal vending machine. One time when I was walking past him he looked right at me and opened his mouth really wide. He looked like a baby bird waiting for a worm. I felt so important.

Later on the three of us went to Chris and Regina's for a couples dinner. Finn slept through the entire dinner, but woke up right about the time we started to discuss potential materials.

You may notice that I did not blog about what happened Wednesday. Reason being - nothing happened. Finn and I napped much of the day and night. The lack of sleep is really starting to catch up to me (and apparently Kodiak too - see picture above).


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