Thursday (great title) (October 15, 2009)

Today was a big day for Finn. At about 7:30 in the morning Finn's aunt Lauren came to visit him while his Mama went to the dentist. Even though Lauren claims to know nothing about babies she did a great job.

Next, Finn and I went to MJ's house to pick up Em and Coop. The four of us went to Franklin to pickup Cooper's new Christmas outfit (so cute).

By the time we got home Michael was back from Knoxville and got to spend the afternoon with us. During this time, Michael put together Finn's new swing. He put it together backwards twice - but don't tell him I said so :) Then we all went to Chris and Regina's for bible study. We are currently studying Proverbs. Finn was awake through the entire study. He was fairly good - but made some whiny noises. During our ending prayer Finn, Micah, Amelia and JT were all either cooing, crying, or screaming. It was so funny. Before we left, Finn spent some quality time with his good buddy Micah.

When we got home we all watched the office and then we put Finn to bed at 10:30. He didn't wake up to eat again until 4:00!


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