Lazy Sunday

Today Finn went to his Mama's home church. He didn't get to see very much because his Mama kept him covered from head to toe with a blanket the entire time. He did a great job! I was just waiting for him to squall during the Lord's Supper but he didn't cry at all.

After church we picked up some Captain D's. I think that Finn can sense when I am about to sit down to eat because without fail he will start to give the signal that he is hungry. His signal is so cute . . . at first. During phase 1 he will open his mouth really wide, shake his head really fast and suck on his hands. Phase 2 is not quite as cute because he just cries. After lunch our good friends Jeremy, Summer and their adorable son Micah came to visit.

When we got back home to Hendersonville we spent some time with Daddy. I think that Finn was really happy to see his Dad. He would just follow Michael with his eyes. It was really sweet.


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