Hungry Boy

Finn is a big eater. He eats between 5 and 6 oz. every two hours during the day and every three to four hours during the night. In order to give myself a break I pump and give him a bottle at night and sometimes during the day. However, I have noticed that Finn is pretty fussy after he eats. He never used to be fussy after eating so I think the bottles are giving him gas. So, its back to the way nature intended it at least until I have had ample time to test my theory. The best part about Finn being funny is his facial expressions right before he eats. It is so funny.
I have also noticed that Finn is starting to get some baby fat - YAY! Just take a look at that tummy.

Today was a fairly unremarkable day. We took a long walk in the stroller (which about killed me - I hate being out of shape) and then we went to Kroger. After dinner Finn hung out with Daddy in the floor.


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