Sunday School (Sunday, October 11, 2009)

Well, today Finn went to Sunday School with me. I was nervous to take him with me, but since Michael and I both teach, and he is too little to go to the nursery one of us had to take him. In order to protect him I strapped him into the baby carrier and covered him up with a blanket. Luckily it was fall break and I only had three girls in my class. It is pretty safe to say that Finn didn't learn anything during Sunday School. Not because he is too little to comprehend anything, but because my lesson was a little sub par.

When we got home I made chili and we spent some time with James and Chelsea. At one point James and Michael left to go get a microphone so that they communicate over the Internet while playing warcraft - to each his own I guess.

In the last few days Finn has become a little heater! We will lay together and the two of us will drenched in sweat. Sometimes I have to strip him down to his diaper. He seems to enjoy being almost naked, that is unless I am changing his diaper or giving him a bath :)


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