
Today Finn spent the afternoon and evening with his cousin Cooper. Cooper seemed to really like Finn; he smiled at him, patted him and tried to steal his pacifier.

We also went to Sparta to see Papa Bruce and Granny Martha. MJ and Cooper were nice enough to let us ride with them to Sparta. It was so sweet to see two little carseats in the back seat. Finn slept the whole way - Coop fell asleep around the time we arrived in Cookville - cruddy timing Coop!
Upon arriving at Granny and Papa's house, Finn met the rest of his family. He also got to spend some "up close and personal" time with his new cousins Rex and Sadie Bell when all of the great grandchildren were made to pose for pictures. It looked like a firing squad. Note, the excitement on each child's face. Finn was most certainly acclimated to the Vaughn picture obsession - an obsession that his mother inherited.
After the impromptu photo shoot, we all sat down and ate pizza. During dinner I learned that my cousin Caleb is quite the tight end (he scored three touchdowns in last week's game). Shameless plug, I know, but I am proud of him and wanted to brag a bit.

During dinner I noticed that Papa was not in the room. When I went into the den I saw that Papa was feeding Finn. It was so sweet. I am so thankful that Finn got to spend time with my grandparents. I love them so much!

After dinner Finn and Cooper played for a while. Well maybe I should say that Cooper attempted to play with Finn while Finn cried. The exchange between Cooper and Finn was so funny - I can't really explain why, you will just have to see the videos.

Overall, it was a wonderful day!


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