Mt. LeConte (October 25, 2009)

This weekend Finn received a present from his Nana and Papa - it is a Great Smoky Mountain T-shirt with bears on it. Finn clearly loves his shirt. The plan is to have Finn wear it the first time he goes to Mt. LeConte - which will have to be soon because the shirt is a size "12 months." Finn's Momma is hoping to take him up strapped on her back much like his second cousin Megan did 18 years ago. We will have to clear it with Daddy first though. Papa Bruce will be so happy that his great grandchildren are going to LeConte. You certainly cannot be a member of the Vaughn family without going to LeConte.
Today was really cold so we bundled Finn up for church. As expected Finn got hungry during service, but I didn't want to take his hoodie off so I put the bib on over his hoodie. He looked ridiculous so I had to take a picture. Finn has such a cruel Momma.

Finn learned how to pull hair his afternoon. While he was eating he reached up and grabbed a handful of my hair and yanked. He is pretty strong. I guess it is time to start wearing the nursing necklace so that he won't pull my hair out.


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