The origins of Finn . . . (Monday, October 3, 2009)

Today Finn's great aunt Elaine from Sparta came to visit. In order to keep Finn in a good mood I decided to give him a bottle. I had one bottle left in the fridge (Finn had gone through my entire milk reserve the night before). Go figure, I would spill half of it when I was squeezing the air out of the bottle. I panicked! Even though he was a little hungry, Finn had a good time with Aunt Elaine.

Around noon, Michael came home to have lunch with us before he headed to Bristol for the night. After Michael left the house, Finn and I were left alone to fend for ourselves.

Since yesterday was a pretty laid back day I decided to blog about the origins of Finn. No, I am not talking about where Finn came from - I think we all know how that happened. Instead, I will address the question "where did Finn get his name?" When I first mentioned the name Finn to Michael he told me, and I quote, "Finn sounds like a name for an animal." I have never known anyone named Finn, but I knew that I had to have heard the name somewhere. Thus, my search began. First I stumbled upon the movie "Fools Gold" where the lead character was named Finn. But I am certain that I didn't get Finn's name from this movie.

Then last week while watching the Lifetime Movie Network, I made a frightening discovery. One of the characters on Grey's Anatomy was named Finn. I was equal parts mortified and embarrassed! My son's namesake cannot be a character from Grey's Anatomy but I couldn't think of anywhere else I had heard the name Finn. . .

. . . And then while driving to my doctor's appointment it hit me - Legends of the Fall. When I was 14 years old I was obsessed with all things Legends of the Fall. I had the soundtrack, the movie poster and I had basically memorized the entire movie. During one scene, the viewer is introduced to the character Suzanna. Suzanna had a champion dog named, you guessed it, FINN! So as much as it pains me to admit, Michael was right. Our son was named after a dog on Legends of the Fall. Okay, not really, but I was relieved that I didn't pull his name from a trashy nighttime soap.


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