Mortimer the Moose and the Three Amigos

Today I learned that Finn is a big fan of the "Three Amigos." Reason being, Finn smiled at me for the first time while I was singing the "My Little Buttercup" song to him. And it wasn't just a little grin, it was a open mouth, wide eyed smile. I was so happy. While I was singing I was also showing Finn "Mortimer." Mortimer is a stuffed moose that squeaks, rattles and rustles. He is also very colorful. So I guess Finn could have been smiling at Mortimer instead. In any case, Mortimer the Moose + the Three Amigos = Finn's big grin!

We are noticing that Finn is becoming much more alert. He is starting to look at this toys on his bouncy chair. We have also noticed that Finn like to look at lights. He also loves to look outside. We will sit him in the bouncy chair next to the window and he will just look for what seems like hours. He is also very aware of Michael. Finn will just look and listen to him. It is very touching and infuriating because other than serving as his personal straw I don't think that Finn is aware of me at all. I will chalk it up to the old saying "absence makes the heart grow fonder." He must spend way to much time with his old mom during the day and wants to be with his dad when he gets home from work.

Today Finn and I slept until 9:00. This is the latest I have slept since the Finnster was born. When we woke up I noticed that Finn was laying on his stomach. I was horrified! One of the things they told us at the hospital was to not let a baby sleep on his stomach. After I made sure he was alive, I had to take a picture - he looked so sweet.

Later on that evening we all (including Finn) went to Chase and Lindsey's wedding rehearsal. I dressed Finn in the cutest outfit. I thought he looked like a little gentleman, Michael thought he looked like a sissy. For the most part Finn slept through the entire rehearsal. He did wake up and started screaming the only time both Michael and I were on stage - go figure.
After the rehearsal I took Finn home and his Gran (Michael's mom) sat with him while Michael and I attended the rehearsal dinner. I missed him so much, but it was nice to have a peaceful meal.


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