One Month Old (October 17, 2009)

Today Finn is a month old. I am so happy and thankful that he is growing, but his one month birthday is bittersweet because the month has gone so fast. Emily told me that every month on the 17th she is a little sad because Cooper is getting older (Cooper was born on December 17, 2008 and Finn was born on September 17, 2009). It is nice that the two of us can feel a little sad together.

You may ask, what did we get Finn for his birthday - a bump on the head. While Finn was swinging, Michael heard a noise and noticed that Finn was crying. When he went to check on him he saw that the mobile on Finn's swing had fallen on his face. Oops. Thank goodness this one wasn't our fault. Luckily Finn was fine.

For Finn's one month birthday we took him to Crackel Barrel where we ate lunch with our friends Greg, Shelley and Macey T. It was freezing today so we bundled Finn up in his hat and socks and went to town. After lunch Greg, Shelley and Macey T came by to pick up the Lord of the Rings Trilogy. In exchange Greg loaned us his "24" dvds. So the three of us settled in for a cozy night of chicken fajita soup and "24". It was a fun and wonderful birthday.


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