Wide awake (October 26, 2009)

Today Finn did not sleep at all. Usually he takes several naps during the day, but today he slept all of 30 minutes until he went to bed for the evening at 9:00. He didn't even fall asleep in his stroller today - he always falls asleep in his stroller. I don't really mind because I get to spend more time with him, but I really don't get anything done during the day.

We are both always happy to see Michael when he gets home in the afternoon. I want to talk to someone who can talk back and Finn seems happy to look at another face other than mine. Well today was very different! When Michael got home he came over to talk to Finn. The minute Finn saw him he started crying. It was weird because he was in a great mood just seconds before. At first I thought it was just a coincidence, but every time Michael would walk away from Finn he would calm down and the minute he would get closer Finn would cry again. It was so funny. (I still think it is coincidental).

Finn also received some special guests tonight - Tonya and Teddy from the office came to visit. It was fun to see them and get caught up on what is happening at work. For the most Finn was pretty calm, but he still fussed a little - probably because he is so tired.


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