Tummy Time

Today Finn had some tummy time. They instructed us at the hospital to give Finn tummy time everyday. Well, I haven't exactly done a great job at ensuring that Finn gets his daily dose of "tummy time" so I decided today was as good a day as any to start - Finn disagreed. He didn't particularly like tummy time because he couldn't hold his head up. Mostly he just laid nose straight into the floor - it was rather comical. But all was not lost - I ended up propping him in his boppy and he did better . . . not great . . . but better.
Later we met Shelley and her daughter Macey T (my nickname for her) for lunch. Macey T and Finn were born two days apart in the same hospital. They stayed in the nursery together, visited each other's rooms and had pictures taken together. They were both perfect angels during lunch. Shelley and I joked that this was Finn and Macey T's first date.

After lunch I went to the dentist while Finn hung out with his Daddy, his Uncle David and his Uncle James (via the Warcraft Internet microphone). After David left Michael, Finn and I went to Texas Roadhouse for dinner. It was our first family dinner out since Finn was born a month ago.

Michael left straight from the restaurant to go to Knoxville for the night, while Finn and I went to Babies - R- Us to buy a new swing. Finn was pretty exhausted by the time we got home and he fell asleep very quickly. But before he fell asleep he had plenty of time to dirty not only his diaper but his onsie too. Apparently his inadequate, but well meaning mama put his diaper on crooked and he "relieved" himself out the side of the diaper and directly onto the onsie. It was gross.


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