Holding my head up (October 27, 2009)

Okay, so Finn's crying at Michael yesterday was a fluke. When Michael got home from work today Finn was so happy to see him! He just grinned that huge sweet grin.

Finn has also made quite a few developments this week. First, he is making cute baby noises. Up until this point the only sounds he made where whiny sounds indicating that he was hungry. But this week he has started making happy sounds - especially when he smiles. Second, Finn has become an old pro at holding his head up. He can hold his head steady for almost a minute now! It is so funny when he starts to get tired because his head bobs around like a bobble head doll. Third, he has kind of learned to suck his thumb. Okay, he really hasn't really learned to suck his thumb. Instead, when I saw that he had this thumb close to his mouth I shoved the rest of the way in and snapped the picture really quick.


  1. Awww, that is sooo cute, can't wait to see him!!! Aunt Em loves you Finnster!!!

  2. He looks so precious! I love the thumbsucking!Nana


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