Sleep over at Grandad's and GiGi's (0ctober 23, 2009)

Finn is official! Finn received a letter in the mail informing him that he has a social security number. Congratulations Son, now you too can be the victim of identity theft. The letter was address to Mr. Griffin Thomas Begley. It was a little wierd seeing mail addressed to Finn. Today he is receiving mail from the Government and before you know it he will be receiving calls from girls. I don't know which is worse.

Today Finn, Michael and I went to Tullahoma for Dad's birthday. After a long morning Finn and I picked Michael up at his office and then made our way to Dad's house. Once we got to Dad's we all ate hamburgers and then Finn played in the floor.

Tonight was first for both me and Finn . . . Finn spent the entire night away from me in Dad's room. Dad and Gina offered to keep Finn in their room for the evening. I must admit that I was a little nervous at first (he has never spent the night without me), but since I had my pump with me I thought it might be a good practice for when I have to leave him for real (insert the sound of my heart breaking here). Michael and I have been considering taking a one night trip somewhere, but I am not ready to leave Finn yet. This was the ideal set up for Finn's first night away - we were still in the same house so I could go get him at any time, but I was still able to get a full nights sleep without any interruptions. It was heavenly - but I still do not think that I am ready to leave him overnight yet, that is unless I am down the hall. Maybe Finn could check into his own room when we go on our mini vacation :) When morning came I couldn't wait to see Finn first because I missed him and second because I was about to pop.


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