"Look Ma, two hands!"

Today Finn held his bottle by himself. I am sure that it was fluke and that he won't do it again until he is older, but it was surprizing to see. It happened when I was feeding him after church. I was giving him his bottle and I noticed him struggling with my hands. Finally he pushed my hand away, put both hands on his bottle and finished the whole thing. He turns one month and one day and he thinks he doesn't need me anymore - we will see about that!
Today was also Finn's first day in "Big Church" with Me and Michael. When we arrived at church he was asleep. He did really good during the singing, but got fussy once the preaching started. In order to keep him calm and quiet I gave him a bottle - this allowed us to stay for the rest of the sermon. I did have to take him out during the offertory because the drums scared him to death and he screamed. Luckily the music drowned out the screaming.


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