Rub-a-dub-dub (October 13, 2009)

Today Michael and I gave Finn his first "submerged" bath in the kitchen sink. I was a little nervous about putting him in the water up to his chin because he really didn't care for his sponge baths. At first he seemed a little unsure and I thought he was going to wail, but once we got him totally in the water he seemed very happy. I presume being in the tub is a lot like being in the womb.
Tonight was also the first night of Finn's schedule. We are attempting to get him on regular schedule so hopefully he will sleep through the night. So after his bath we lotioned him up (he hates lotion), fed him, swaddled him (with the new swaddler Coop gave us - Finn is really starting to see the benefits of having an older and more experienced cousin) and put him in the bassinet at 10:00 (Finn's bedtime). He woke up at 1:30 a.m. to eat and then again at 6:00 a.m. Not bad, but I would prefer that he skip the 1:30 feedings.
PS: I really recommend the swaddler. Swaddling with a blanket works okay, but this thing works wonders at putting Finn to sleep. He has "crazy arms" (constantly moving) and the swaddler wraps him up tighter than a straight jacket.


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