Friday was the last day of spirit week - thank goodness!  I am exhausted from putting outfits together.  Luckily Friday was "Green and Gold" day and I only had to put Finn in his green HCA polo.  After dropping Finn off at school Sam and I went to run errands.  First we went to the car wash.  Sam really hates the car wash - it scares him to death.  He like the vacuuming even less.  I guess it could have something to do with the fact that I vacuum out his carseat while he is still in it.

Next we went to Kroger.  As we were passing the milk Sam starts yelling "CHOCOLATE MILK, peease mommy - thank you!"  I grabbed a small bottle of chocolate milk and let Sam drink it.  He was very content with his milk and was quite well behaved right up until the point he decided to sling it.  And sling it he did - all over me and the floor.  Fortunately I had already gone through the paper towel aisle.  I opened the package and started wiping up our mess.  An older man came up to me and thanked me for cleaning up Sam's mess.  He said that he was really impressed because he thought that most people would leave it for the store to clean up.

When we got home I started the marathon cleaning session.  Sam slept for hours while I cooked and cleaned for Finn's party.  At 4:00 Finn, Sam and I went to the park to help with the preschool float for the HCA homecoming.  We really weren't a lot of help.  Finn and his friend Brady played on the playground while Sam ate a banana in the car (the car was right next to us and the doors were open).  On our way home Finn told me that he had sand in his shoe.  I told him to be very careful and that I would pull over and dump his shoes out.  Finn said, "I already dumped it out mom."   As I looked over my shoulder I saw a mound of sand all over my freshly cleaned and vacuumed car.  We headed straight back to the car wash.  Poor Sam had to sit through it twice in one day.

When we got home we got ready for the game.  The theme for Finn's float was "Go Fish."  The kids were supposed to dress up like they were going out for a day of fishing.
 Finn eating his sandwich and completely ignoring me. 

Driving to the game.

We made to the field about 20 minutes before the halftime show.  Finn was really excited to ride on the float.  Before doing so though Gran and I untangled all he fishing poles.  

 Finn with his buddies Brady and Jeremiah

 Finn and his teacher Ms. Jen

As the float was taking off Finn's teachers told me that I could ride too if I wanted.  I asked Finn he wanted me to ride and he said "YES!"  So Finn and I sat on the float and pretended to fish.  It was a really fun night.

Sam had a fun time at the game too.  I decided that instead of fighting with him all night that I was going to put him in a harness and let him walk around to his heart's content - well at least as far at the "leash" would allow.  We practiced a little with it earlier in the day and he hated it.  But he warmed up to it at the game.  I think that he liked the quasi-freedom.


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